Thursday 8 November 2012

How to play psx games on android tablet or mobile

There are many ways of utilizing your tablet or mobile phones to satisfy your gaming needs. In this article i will briefly explain step by step of how you can play psx games easily. Keep notes that PSX games is different with psp games and by saying that it is different in the format ways. Do not download PsP games and dont confuse yourself.

1. Download The right EmulatorThe best softwate emulator apps i have seen so far in the android market is FPSE.This emulator is very friendly and easy to use for everyone. So now go and download this emulator from the android market using your gadget but keep in mind that google account needed in order to make the payment transaction. This application cost you AUD$3.77 but trust me its worth.

2. Download the right Bios
Have you ever had playstation before?do you guys remember how the white screen with the playstation logo looks like?yes that is called the bios in playstation. Bios in playstation is divided into three types which
  • SCPH 1000.Bin --------> Japan
  • SCPH 1001.Bin --------> USA
  • SCPH 7003.Bin -------->EUROPE
I have to suggest everyone to download the USA version only and use this one only because most of the psx files that spread globally through the internet is in American format. Using bios in your emulator is a must otherwise you wont be able to save your game progress.

3. Download the games
To download the games you can find it in
The files will be in zip file so make sure you unzip it in your computer first before going anyfurther.
what types of file are you looking for? _____.Bin or _______.Cue if its different go change it by yourself by clicking the right mouse button and select properties.

4. Transfer the games
Make sure your phone/tablet is connected to you computer and find the files that you have unzip previously. Transfer the file to the designated place and make sure its easy for you to find.

5. Load your bios
Open FPSE apps and there will be 5 option in front of you. Click Settings--->misc------->Load bios and choose the one that you need. Go back to the first menu using your reverse button and then load the game that you want. You are in the right track when before the game start the white screen and playstation logo appears.

6.How to use gamepad?
Playing games using gamepad can be done with variety types of controller. My only suggestion is using wii nunchak because it is very easy and comfortable(without using usb cable). First of all go to google playstore and download WIIMOTE app.

  • Turn on bluetooth on your android gadget
  • Open wiimote controller
  • press(init and connect) at the same time (press button behind wii controller)
  • Select Wii controller IME and choose option 2
Furthermore when the controller ready close the wiimote app and get ready to Re do step 5.

For Re setting the controller you can go to
Settings------>Gamepad-------->Button mapping------->assign pad 1

When you have finished playing games dont forget to open wiimote controller app and
Wiicontroller IMT------->Select keyboard

Please don't hesitate to ask me for any question and follow me on my blog for another tips....
Thanks!have fun!

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